Saturday, September 29, 2007

Toulmin Model of Argumentation

Here is the Toulmin Model which will be used in this assignment. You can see on the left side, it is the first triad of Toulmin model which coinsist of 3 basic elements.

A claim is the point an arguer is trying to make. The claim is the proposition or assertion an arguer wants another to accept. The claim answers the question, "So what is your point?"
Grounds refers to the proof or evidence an arguer offers. Grounds answers the questions, "What is your proof?" or "How come?" or "Why?"

The warrant performs a "linking" function by establishing a mental connection between the grounds and the claim

The second triad of the Toulmin model involves three addditional elements:

Backing provides additional justification for the warrant. Usually consists of evidence to support the type of reasoning employed by the warrant.

The qualifier states the degree of force or probability to be attached to the claim. Qualifier states how sure the arguer is about his/her claim.

The rebuttal acknowledges exceptions or limitations to the argument. Rebuttal admits to those circumstances or situations where the argument would not hold.
